Monday, January 31, 2011

goodbye & hello

images via weheartit
Try and forget every insecurity.
What may bother you,
most likely doesn't bother anyone else but yourself.
Say goodbye to insecurity
hello to confidence.

shopping after hours

I love online shopping.
I've only done it once, and I couldn't remember it at all.
Because I came home from getting my wisdom teeth taken out,
and under my loopy trance, I went to 
& went crazy.  
Luckily, I was smart enough to shop the sales,
but it was quite a surprise to find a package a few days later.
So tonight, I did some "fake" online shopping since
I'm trying to save my money until the middle of February
when I go on a shopping trip with Brookie & Olivia.
I love Forever 21,
so I put all of my favorite things in "my bag"
and I could have gotten 12 items for only $147!!

Here are a few of my favorite things that I wish I could have bought:
spring sensations

thank you Polyvore :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

realty royalty

Someday I'll have a beautiful house
filled with beautiful things and beautiful furnishings.
Here are some little design inspirations
that keep me motivated in school so that I can someday make enough money
to live each day in a gorgeous abode :)
My dream home will have rooms like these:
living/family rooms:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

city of angels

As the semester gets ready to begin,
I'm already anticipating the end of it & getting into summer!
The plan is:
move to LA for the summer months and stay with Olivia!!
work at an internship a couple days a week :)
relax by the pool and ocean
celebrate my 21st
enjoy everything about life
me & livvies in LA by a huge forever XXI
I really hope my summer dreams can come true,
and to inspire me to apply to as many places as possible for internships,
here are some lovely LA-inspired photographs:
via weheartit
If anyone knows of any cool PR companies or boutiques in the LA area,
please let me know!
I would love to research the company 
and see if they're interested in having a summer intern :)
Thank you lovelies!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

back to reality

I've had the best break in the world, 
and both fortunately & unfortunately, it's finally back to reality.  
After setting off to Minnesota, Hawaii, and California to enjoy my lovely winter break, 
I'm back home in beautiful Arizona to go back to work and back to class.

I came home to find out that I gained a couple new followers!! 
So thank you :) I can't wait to check out your blogs.
California was amazing! I can't wait to live there.
It was the first time my sister, my mom, and myself have gone on a trip together
just the three of us.
We saw Jay Leno (Seth Rogan was there!) and 
Ellen (Vince Vaughn & Kyle Richards from Real Housewives of B.H.)
It was so much fun, and we laughed & ate the entire time.
We didn't take any pictures :( 
Silly us...but here are some pictures from Kauai!!
me, paige, & brooke at waimea canyon
hanalei beach rope swing :)
shipwreck beach with the family <3


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