Friday, December 10, 2010

we can stay young forever

I just saw Love & Other Drugs last night with the girls,
and it was absolutely amazing.
One of the things that I loved about Anne Hathaway's character
was that she photographed everything.
Why is it that I love using a camera at parties & on vacation,
but I rarely take pictures of my every day life.
So, it's my new goal to take at least a picture a day.
We're only young once, so why not document it?
In addition to this, I want to start developing my favorite pictures.
Not necessarily for an album, but I want to have 
stacks and stacks of pictures in boxes 
so that I'll always remember the most exciting times of my life.
images via weheartit


  1. good morning love!!

    okay so a few things...1 i really want to see that movie, 2 these pictures are fabulous and 3 i really want to do this too! sadly i don't have a camera at the moment. I tend to use my friends slr a lot and my handy little iphone (come on santa bring me a camera!!)

    anyways...regardless i think this project would be fun and think we as well as others should do it. almost think we should make a button...what do you think?!? 365 days of pictures (it would be a great way to kick of 2011) let me know if you want me to make a button for your project!! i'll give ya the coding too then others could grab your button as well and get involved!!

    okay i've rambled...let me know what you think :)

  2. Awww, these are lovely pictures, Kelcy! And I've been dying to see that movie! Glad you liked it. Now I really have to go see it. I love Anne Hathaway!!!


  3. Great pictures. I love your goal- I just may join you:-) But not until 2011... no need to ruin a perfectly good resolution before the year even starts;-)

  4. I've been wanting to go see that movie!!! So glad to hear you liked it!!
    I love your goal... !! I've been considering doing the "1 photo a day challenge" ! I'll probably blog about that sometime this week! have a great weekend :)

  5. love that idea of taking a pic everyday and not just at parties/etc..

  6. hi there, just stumbled in. enjoying your posts.

    i look forward to seeing that movie.

    taking pictures of the mundane is the BEST photography in my books.
    (join me in 'Life Up Close if you like! on my HM blog)

  7. it's such a good goal to have - i've been doing that ever since i got my SLR almost a year ago! Although I'm kind of clogging up my hard drive with too many pictures.

  8. Hi Kelcy! So sorry I'm just now getting around to visiting you! I couldn't love this idea more! My parents bought me a new (good) camera for Christmas. Can I join you in your picture-a-day challenge?!


  9. love this post!! i am in love with vintage cameras...i have 15 old polaroids that i would never part with even at the end of the world! they're so perfect and so much fun!!

    i haven't seen that movie - but maybe i should check it out..thanks for the suggestion lovely!

    allister bee blog



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