Wednesday, May 4, 2011

home sweet home

The past 36 hours have been ridiculous.
I've never had so many phone calls,
so much stress,
and so many problems with friends.
I won't get into everything because it's trivial,
but I can say now that I know who my true friends are
and I hope I haven't lost my other great ones.  
Luckily last night,
Nick invited me, Brooke, and Paige over to his place where the boys 
made us a delicious grilled feast.  
It's definitely what we all needed...just a night to relax & eat.

And today, the good news continued!
Brooke and I secured our apartment for summer in West Hollywood!
It's less than a mile away from our internships
and we'll have a patio that opens right out to the pool.
I'm so so so excited!
It hit me today how much I'm really going to miss Nicholas,
but he's going to visit a lot and I'm sure I'll be out in Arizona a lot too.

With all bad things come great things,
you just have to deal with the ebb and flow of how the world works.
Here's some inspiration for our studio in West Hollywood!
Since we're only there for 3 months, we don't want to worry about
bringing or buying furniture,
so we've settled on FORT theme!!!
images via weheartit


  1. Awhh, I am sooo jealous!! I would love love love love loveee to go to Hollywood!!

  2. Fort theme is awesomeeee! You guys will have an AWESOME time in Hollywood!

  3. oh gorgeous pictures! and you've got such an amazing time ahead of you don't worry about issues with friends too much! x

  4. hey thanks for checking out my blog!!

    I got the white sheer top at the goodwill in Palm Springs... I got super lucky....

    but if you thrift you will eventually find one like it!!!



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